Thursday, July 15, 2010

asking questions in japanese

This is by Ruben. The first time I asked for something in Japanese was when I went to a grocery store by myself to get Andie some kibi dongo (a kind of candy wrapped in edible rice paper) and I looked and looked until I went up to the cash register and said "uuuhhhhh kibi dongo wa doko desu ka" which means " where is the kibi dongo?" in a polite way. She said hai which means "yes" in Japanese and walked about 2 feet and it was right there in front of my face the whole time.

The second time I asked for directions was when grandad and I went to Otaru which is another city. When we didn't know where the bikkuri donki (which is a hamburger steak restuarant) was, I asked a guy "bikkuri donki wa doko desu ka" which means "where is the bikkuri donki." It seemed like the guy knew no English at all. He just pointed in a direction. After we were between two restaurants that both had Japanese writing on the signs, I asked another person the same thing. then he pointed to the one we were looking for. 

Its not fun when you ask a question or say konichiwa (good afternoon) and the other person says a hole bunch of japanese and all you can do is sit there with a smirk and say mate ne which means see ya later. But its nice when you say something smooth and the person says something that you actually know in Japanese. When that happens, I feel like having a conversation but I know I cant because I don't know enough Japanese yet. But I know more than I did a month ago.

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